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Anger Management for Adults

We offer eight weekly sessions for adults to help with Anger Management - this is one to one sessions with a trained and qualified counsellor - sessions are free, funded by the NHS.


"Talking, talking, talking over many years has helped immensely. Now I don't bottle it all up inside."

If your anger means you're acting in an abusive or violent way, it's important to get help. You might feel worried that asking for help will get you in trouble. But it's often the most important first step towards changing your behaviour. 

Typically sessions are delivered over eight weekly sessions between 50 to 60 minutes.

Our Anger management counselling is currently available remotely via phone or video.

Anger Managment is available to people aged 16 or over, available across our service area including East Staffordshire, Lichfield District and Tamworth Borough.

We only accept self referrals via Staffordshire Talking Therapies.

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How to register for the service

Free through the NHS

Burton and District Mind provide Anger Management as part of the Staffordshire NHS Talking Therapies service

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If you are 16 or over and you would like your Anger Management to be fully funded by the NHS and free to yourself, please call

0300 3030 0923 or use the online form at


You will need to live in Staffordshire or have a GP registered in Staffordshire to use this service.

The Talking Therapies Team will discuss a range of options with you, including Cognative Behavioural Therapy, but if Anger Management is agreed to be prefered option for you, then they will make the arrangements directly with our team. You will not need to call us back. 

Please note that you should speak with a healthcare professional ahead of referrals to this service if you are receiving any mental health services from MPFT.

For sessions to be beneficial it is important to attend regular weekly appointments. If you are unable to attend an arranged appointment it is essential that you give us as much notice as possible. A message can be left at any time on our voicemail facility.


If you fail to cancel in good time you may lose that session and if you miss two appointments without contacting us we will assume that you don’t wish to continue with the sessions.


Tel: 01283 566696

Or use the Contact Us form and we'll call you back.
Assessments are usually conducted on Mondays or Thursdays

For counselling to be beneficial it is important to attend regular weekly appointments. If you are unable to attend an arranged appointment it is essential that you give us as much notice as possible. A message can be left at any time on our voicemail facility. If you fail to cancel in good time you may lose that session and if you miss two appointments without contacting us we will assume that you don’t wish to continue with the sessions.

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