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Do you love listening to music?

When it comes to mental health it can often be really good and helpful to find small everyday things that can support you through difficult times. That way when you are beginning to feel stressed, overwhelmed or you are struggling to cope, there are easy-to-access things that you can do.

This could be anything from…

Practising breathing exercises

Watching a film or TV show

Doing some puzzles/playing a game

Talking to someone close to you

Listening to music

The focus of this blog post however will be music!

This is something we’ve often posted about on our social media, as often music can be a great distraction from difficult thoughts or even help to process any difficult emotions you may be going through.

Last month, in research done by Nature Neuroscience it was found that music even releases dopamine, which is often referred to as the “feel good” chemical!

This really does prove the positive effect that listening to music can have on your mental health. For some, having music in the background can often be helpful in maintaining focus whilst completing a task too!

At Burton and District Mind, we normally have the radio playing in our office and we definitely feel like it contributes a positive impact. Especially when it's a more upbeat song.

Do you use music to help yourself through stressful times? If so what songs or bands do you normally listen to?

My personal favourites are normally the band Bear’s Den!

If you are in need of support for your mental health, please do reach out to us and we will do what we can to make sure that you get support!

2) Mental health Awareness

This is a very important week for mental health.

From the 15th to the 21st of May it is Mental Health Awareness Week! This is a week dedicated to coming together and spreading awareness of what mental health is, encouraging others to speak out about how they are feeling, and educating people on the support that is available.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. This statistic is one you probably see a lot both across our social media as well as other Minds across the country. This is because it is so important that we highlight that mental health truly does impact so many people, and through highlighting this we can hopefully remove any dangerous stigmas that are unfortunately associated with mental health.

At Burton and District Mind, we plan to spend this Mental Health Awareness Week talking about many of the important topics regarding mental health, which include…


What mental health is and how it impacts people

Methods of looking after your mental health

The importance of talking about how you are feeling

Support available

If you see any of our posts, it would really help us if you wouldn’t mind sharing them so that more people see them too! That way we can really push for this to be the most effective Mental Health Awareness Week yet.

Here are a couple of ways you can get involved this week!

Liking/sharing posts across your social media


Talking to the people around you about mental health

Learn more about mental health

Reach out to people with positive messages

Here is a link to some resources which have been put together by National Mind! ->

This year Mind is putting a big focus on something that has impacted many lives across the UK, and the way that has had an effect on our mental health. This is the Cost of Living Crisis.

For many people, this has been an incredibly taxing time on our mental health due to stresses and anxiety surrounding things like worrying about affording basic necessities such as food and electricity. Additionally, due to the stresses of trying to get through the Cost of Living Crisis, it's been more difficult for people to prioritise their mental health.

However, the more we ignore mental health, the more difficult it can become to cope. This is why we need to come together and truly support one another through this difficult time.

Lets make this a great Mental Health Awareness Week!

If you are in need of support for your mental health we have lots of services available which may suit your needs. You can find more information on these services here ->

If you would like to contact us for more information, please get in touch today ->


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Burton and District Mind

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

We are a Local Mind Association.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, #1140492,

and a registered company, #7438326, in England.

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