We have been made aware of a number of apps that can be used to support your

mental health. We haven't tested any of these out, but would be interested in your thoughts if you have any experience with them or would like to have a go with them....
‘What’s Up’ app which is a self-directed therapy app for depression, anxiety, anger and stress.
‘Chill panda’ learn to relax, manage worries and improve wellbeing
‘Relaxing music’ – sleep sounds – music to help you sleep or meditate
‘Beat Panic’ app – guides you through a panic attack
‘Feeling Good’ app – positive mindset – helps build confidence, energy and a positive mindset
‘Thrive’ app – helps prevent and manage stress
‘Mood tools’ app – helps as an aid against depression and negative mood
Wellmind’ app which give advice on stress, anxiety and depression
‘My possible self’ – helps to control your thoughts and behaviour
Staffordshire County Council Website also promotes a number of apps from their website (link opens new page).