A common theme throughout our blog posts over the past has been the difficulties that can be experienced as a result of some of the seasonal challenges that come with Winter. However, with those difficulties comes support so that we can get through this difficult time together…

Friday 22nd December 2023 will be the longest night of the year, with the sun due to set at around 4pm. Staffordshire County Council are using this day as a way of reminding everyone in need that the Samaritans are there for them during their darkest hours. This is including Christmas and New Year.
They are doing this through their wonderful Longest Night Campaign where they are encouraging people to display a green light in their window whether it be at their local business or at home. Several County Council buildings such as the Shire Hall Gallery in Stafford are set to be taking part!
Once you have got your green light set up in the window, you can then post a picture on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the message as shown below…
Anyone can contact Samaritans free any time from any phone, even from a mobile without credit. Call 116 123 #LighttheNightStaffs
Its so important to include the #LighttheNightStaffs as through doing so, we can hopefully get it trending and raise more awareness of the support available to those who may need it!
At Burton and District Mind, we believe it is so important that anyone who is struggling with their mental health is able to have access to it!
If you do not own a green light, you are able to pop on down to nearest Staffordshire Library and pick one up along with a poster too.
Come and join in. Let’s promote supporting one another this Christmas!
You can find more information on this campaign here -> https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Community/Longest-Night-Campaign.aspx
Whilst our office will be closed over the Christmas period, here are some additional means of support should you need it urgently…
Mind: Emergency Advice at Christmas - www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/getting-help-in-a-crisis/
Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline - 0808 800 2234 Open 2:00pm-2:00am every day of the year.
YMCA Burton & District – Reconnect Centre open over Christmas period (opposite ASDA island) - 01283 538802
Call Samaritans on 116 123 (UK-wide) Text SHOUT to 85258 (UK-wide)
Burton and District Mind wish you a wonderful and peaceful Christmas!