Do one thing this World Mental Health Day and speak out against mental health inequality.
It may be World Mental Health Day on the 10th, however it is important we continue to raise awareness every single day so those that need help know how to get it. According to the Mind statistics 1 in 5 people in the UK have suicidal thoughts, 1 in 14 people self-harm and 18 people take their own lives per day.

So what can we do to help?
If you are aware of someone who is struggling with their mental health you could:
- Encourage them to talk about their feelings.
- Encourage them to seek support. Whether that being reaching out to us here at Burton and District Mind or another line of support.
- Offer emotional support: Listen and offer reassurance. Stay calm. Be patient. Try not to make assumptions. Keep social contact.
- Offer practical support: Look for potentially useful information. Help them write down a list of questions that they might want to ask a professional. Help them with organising their paperwork to keep them on top of any appointments and prescriptions.
- If they consent to it, you could go along to appointments with them. Even if you stay in the waiting room it could help them feel assured and not alone.
- Ask them if there is anything you can help with.
- Research about what they are going through to help you understand more what you can do to support them.
- Help them to make a support plan.
- Removing any potential objects you believe could put them at risk if they are thinking of taking their own life.
Sometimes people won’t always want your help and that is okay, however there are still a few things you can do:
- Be patient. There might be good reasons as to why they are finding it difficult to ask for help.
- Offer emotional support and reassurance. Just simply letting them know if they ever change their mind that you are there for them.
- Inform them to how to seek help when they are ready.
- Ensure that you are looking after yourself and your own mental health.
“The main aspect of supporting someone through this is compassion, listening and most importantly not over-reacting or becoming upset. Remaining calm and talking the situation through is extremely important.”
Hopefully this is something that most people will never need to use, however they are still things that are important to know and remember if the situation ever does arise.
Together we can do more to help the people around us.
An Article from Tom Lawson, Mental Health Ambassador
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