Update from Healthwatch Staffordshire
[note from editor - Burton and District Mind's counselling services, provided in partnership with Staffordshire Wellbeing Service, count as primary care]

Healthwatch Staffordshire have some information and requests that we hope you will find to be of interest, and that you might be able to share with family, friends and colleagues.
Firstly Healthwatch Staffordshire have a Primary Care survey where they are seeking feedback across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent of experiences of primary care in the last 12 months. As ever, the survey is completely anonymous, and access to the survey can be completed here. Your participation is very much valued and appreciated.
In addition, Healthwatch Staffordshire are very pleased to be offering a series of virtual community meetings via Zoom. These will take place bi-weekly on a Wednesday morning at 10.30am, and will have the same topic repeated the following week on a Thursday afternoon. The first meeting on Wednesday 27th January will cover Primary Care, and they shall naturally welcome feedback on any other matters concerning health and social care. The Zoom details for this meeting are as follows;
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 9512 0332
Passcode: 730042
The repeated meeting on Thursday 4th February at 2.00pm with the same topic can be accessed here;
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 3761 3944
Passcode: 016192
Healthwatch Staffordshire are then holding future Zoom meetings every 2 weeks on a Wednesday at 10.30am commencing February 10th with the topic of Dentistry, and this topic will be repeated on Thursday February 18th at 2.00pm, Zoom joining details being the same as those specified above. We shall be issuing a survey regarding dentistry w/c 25th January where we would again welcome your feedback.
Finally, should anyone who is not already a member of Healthwatch Staffordshire wish to join the mailing list as a member and receive our quarterly newsletters, updates, reports and immediate access to future surveys, please contact Ian Wright at ian.wright@healthwatchstaffordshire.co.uk