Do one thing this World Mental Health Day and speak out against mental health inequality.
Your generous donation helps us to provide high quality Low Cost Counselling to people accessing welfare benefits at just £10 per session!
People don't come to us for handouts - they come to us to have the same opportunities for good mental health as everyone else. Please support us.
Alternatively if you have time to donate, we need more people to join our Board of Trustee Directors to help us to fight to end mental health inequality across the whole of our community. In particular we are looking for Trustees who can represent one or more of the following:
People from Black and Ethnic Minorities, including South Asian and Eastern European communities
People aged 16 to 24
People affected by poverty and low incomes
Our Board of Trustee Directors meet six times a year and are responsible for the stategic direction and accountability of Burton and District Mind.
See for more details
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